WebStat for carbonfootprint.com

Summary Period: January 2025
Generated 30-Jan-2025 02:06 GMT Standard Time
Monthly Statistics for January 2025
Total Hits 2151561
Total Files 1935266
Total Pages 644722
Total Visits 230975
Total Transfer 123.3 GB
Total Unique Hosts 94189
Total Unique URLs 2648
Total Unique Referrers 10772
Total Unique User Names 386
Total Unique User Agents 14542
Human Totals
Total Hits 1965045
Total Files 1804424
Total Pages 527480
Total Transfer 116.1 GB
Total Unique Hosts 77938
Total Visits 171891
Hits per Visit1141708
Files per Visit1039074
Pages per Visit341700
Transfer per Visit708.3 KB1.8 GB
Visit Duration3.5917491.57
Robot Totals
Total Hits 155015
Total Files 100639
Total Pages 100657
Total Errors 5629
Total Transfer 5.4 GB
Total Visits 56366
Total Unique Hosts 15455
Spammer Totals
Total Hits 31501
Total Transfer 1.8 GB
Total Visits 2540
Total Unique Hosts 796
Performance Avg Max
Seconds per Hit 730.470 9975373.000
Seconds per File 796.505 9975373.000
Seconds per Page 274.942 421740.000
Hourly/Daily Totals Avg Max
Hits per Hour 3091 33697
Hits per Day 74191 139608
Hits per Visit 9 41708
Files per Day 66733 129742
Files per Visit 8 39074
Pages per Day 22231 65259
Pages per Visit 2 41700
Visits per Day 7964 10618
Visit Duration 3.59 17491.57
Transfer per Day 4.3 GB 8.9 GB
Transfer per Visit 559.7 KB 1.8 GB
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 1918475
Code 206 - Partial Content 16791
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 141959
Code 302 - Found 2913
Code 304 - Not Modified 7974
Code 400 - Bad Request 209
Code 403 - Forbidden 84
Code 404 - Not Found 62957
Code 405 - Method Not Allowed 124
Code 406 - Not Acceptable 63
Code 416 - Requested Range Not Satisfiable 9
Code 417 - Expectation Failed 1
Code 500 - Internal Server Error 2

Visitors are identified by IP addresses. Two or more visitors sharing the same IP address (e.g. firewall address) will be counted as a single visitor.

Daily usage for January 2025

Pages - document requests (e.g. html, asp, txt); Files - successful requests of all types (e.g. html, gif, css); Hits - all requests, including errors;

Daily Statistics for January 2025
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Hosts Transfer
Total Avg Max Total Avg Max Total Avg Max Total Avg Max Total Avg Max Total Avg Max
1 40386 1.88% 1683 2590 34116 1.76% 1422 2296 16780 2.60% 699 1529 6230 2.70% 260 428 4325 4.59% 180 313 2.2 GB 1.82% 95.8 MB 181.7 MB
2 65459 3.04% 2727 5531 58035 3.00% 2418 5420 25018 3.88% 1042 4118 7500 3.25% 313 400 5099 5.41% 170 239 3.4 GB 2.75% 144.8 MB 244.4 MB
3 61567 2.86% 2565 4231 51467 2.66% 2144 3823 22440 3.48% 935 2169 7720 3.34% 322 544 5267 5.59% 155 256 3.1 GB 2.54% 133.9 MB 265.9 MB
4 42530 1.98% 1772 2535 35668 1.84% 1486 2194 19573 3.04% 816 1717 6397 2.77% 267 382 4473 4.75% 114 160 2 GB 1.62% 85.3 MB 156.2 MB
5 42933 2.00% 1789 3106 35224 1.82% 1468 2447 18876 2.93% 786 1648 6130 2.65% 255 392 4374 4.64% 104 158 2 GB 1.64% 86.2 MB 166.3 MB
6 71163 3.31% 2965 4899 64109 3.31% 2671 4170 20592 3.19% 858 1821 8458 3.66% 352 479 5977 6.35% 162 243 4 GB 3.27% 171.9 MB 340.8 MB
7 78664 3.66% 3278 5826 72169 3.73% 3007 5593 21311 3.31% 888 3429 8756 3.79% 365 542 6136 6.51% 162 253 4.4 GB 3.57% 187.6 MB 417.7 MB
8 82181 3.82% 3424 6333 76256 3.94% 3177 6012 21704 3.37% 904 1729 9201 3.98% 383 594 6345 6.74% 165 270 4.3 GB 3.48% 182.9 MB 340.9 MB
9 87925 4.09% 3664 7332 81335 4.20% 3389 6063 22071 3.42% 920 2045 9505 4.12% 396 579 6623 7.03% 172 293 4.6 GB 3.74% 196.6 MB 413.8 MB
10 76509 3.56% 3188 5543 70786 3.66% 2949 5143 19796 3.07% 825 1183 8464 3.66% 353 515 6022 6.39% 148 222 4.1 GB 3.34% 175.6 MB 397.8 MB
11 42080 1.96% 1913 3427 35037 1.81% 1593 2838 16116 2.50% 733 1530 5404 2.34% 246 377 4024 4.27% 94 158 2.2 GB 1.75% 100.2 MB 383.5 MB
12 50293 2.34% 2096 3012 44472 2.30% 1853 2831 15598 2.42% 650 1361 6047 2.62% 252 348 4371 4.64% 97 140 2.7 GB 2.18% 114.8 MB 222.7 MB
13 119130 5.54% 4964 33697 112323 5.80% 4680 32642 23656 3.67% 986 2674 10618 4.60% 442 1349 7610 8.08% 200 861 8.9 GB 7.24% 380.9 MB 4.2 GB
14 98388 4.57% 4100 6864 90631 4.68% 3776 6590 23558 3.65% 982 2198 10109 4.38% 421 592 6976 7.41% 172 260 5.4 GB 4.34% 228.4 MB 401 MB
15 95353 4.43% 3973 6943 86008 4.44% 3584 5995 23518 3.65% 980 2540 10370 4.49% 432 587 7391 7.85% 183 248 5.4 GB 4.41% 231.8 MB 437.2 MB
16 12436 0.58% 1777 3747 10992 0.57% 1570 3070 3576 0.55% 511 1164 1232 0.53% 176 287 1078 1.14% 64 121 771.2 MB 0.61% 110.2 MB 313 MB
17 31220 1.45% 2602 4175 27053 1.40% 2254 3808 9519 1.48% 793 1644 3618 1.57% 301 422 2885 3.06% 108 172 1.8 GB 1.49% 156.9 MB 308.7 MB
18 44100 2.05% 1838 2808 39495 2.04% 1646 2544 14136 2.19% 589 784 5964 2.58% 249 320 4330 4.60% 87 122 2.4 GB 1.93% 101.3 MB 176.9 MB
19 52680 2.45% 2195 4023 45071 2.33% 1878 2856 18198 2.82% 758 2231 6635 2.87% 276 378 4671 4.96% 97 138 2.6 GB 2.09% 110.2 MB 180.8 MB
20 91155 4.24% 3798 6744 85410 4.41% 3559 6340 21945 3.40% 914 1446 9604 4.16% 400 558 6733 7.15% 155 249 5 GB 4.06% 213.7 MB 390.9 MB
21 105307 4.89% 4388 8920 99506 5.14% 4146 8691 21858 3.39% 911 1359 10134 4.39% 422 601 7062 7.50% 166 243 5.5 GB 4.47% 235.2 MB 392.6 MB
22 106206 4.94% 4425 8668 99322 5.13% 4138 8146 24313 3.77% 1013 1730 10399 4.50% 433 647 7321 7.77% 171 299 6 GB 4.84% 254.6 MB 516.8 MB
23 139608 6.49% 5817 28325 129742 6.70% 5406 26774 65259 10.12% 2719 24685 9808 4.25% 409 678 6791 7.21% 148 260 6.1 GB 4.95% 260.5 MB 633.4 MB
24 104991 4.88% 4375 18439 82732 4.27% 3447 5365 38975 6.05% 1624 15326 9408 4.07% 392 556 6564 6.97% 142 269 5.9 GB 4.81% 253.3 MB 427.4 MB
25 56589 2.63% 2358 2995 51392 2.66% 2141 2830 18713 2.90% 780 1180 6667 2.89% 278 345 4630 4.92% 84 107 3.4 GB 2.78% 146.2 MB 237.7 MB
26 51843 2.41% 2160 3079 47652 2.46% 1986 2848 16712 2.59% 696 932 6476 2.80% 270 357 4555 4.84% 83 142 3.8 GB 3.04% 160.1 MB 318.6 MB
27 97497 4.53% 4062 7430 88590 4.58% 3691 5903 25373 3.94% 1057 2980 9813 4.25% 409 583 6606 7.01% 145 228 7.1 GB 5.77% 303.6 MB 649.8 MB
28 96524 4.49% 4022 6190 88158 4.56% 3673 5980 24789 3.84% 1033 2735 9755 4.22% 406 562 6638 7.05% 144 205 6.7 GB 5.45% 286.5 MB 521.7 MB
29 106844 4.97% 4516 7711 92515 4.78% 3903 5757 30749 4.77% 1301 3841 10553 4.57% 444 641 7265 7.71% 163 304 7.4 GB 6.02% 320.9 MB 553.2 MB
Hourly usage for January 2025
Top 30 of 2648 Total URLs
# Hits Transfer Time URL
1 138123 6.42% 1.7 GB 1.40% 167.530139402.000 /
2 100668 4.68% 2.2 GB 1.79% 437.580271337.000 /calculator.aspx
3 66572 3.09% 5.2 GB 4.24% 119.157217947.000 /webstat/usage_202501.html
4 19949 0.93% 198.4 MB 0.16% 87.30743540.000 /webstat/
5 10956 0.51% 1 GB 0.82% 88.01220970.000 /webstat/usage_202412.html
6 10368 0.48% 314.4 MB 0.25% 324.166198997.000 /offset.aspx
7 6519 0.30% 101.8 MB 0.08% 1327.931352787.000 /measure.html
8 6400 0.30% 360.3 MB 0.29% 960.294421740.000 /webstat/usage_201710.html
9 6243 0.29% 90.5 MB 0.07% 852.910165750.000 /sustraxvita.html
10 6221 0.29% 97.9 MB 0.08% 210.34726312.000 /searchresultscfp.html
11 5715 0.27% 156.6 MB 0.12% 406.663135718.000 /contact.aspx
12 5150 0.24% 87.5 MB 0.07% 924.502208770.000 /calculator1.html
13 4977 0.23% 142.2 MB 0.11% 249.889149463.000 /carbonoffset.html
14 4949 0.23% 746.7 MB 0.59% 1490.932361935.000 /webstat/ref_201807.html
15 2927 0.14% 52.4 MB 0.04% 230.263103960.000 /international_electricity_factors.html
16 2742 0.13% 486.1 MB 0.39% 1218.774357019.000 /webstat/ref_201804.html
17 2702 0.13% 8.6 GB 7.00% 6747.406301959.000 /assets/crisp.webp
18 2553 0.12% 62.6 MB 0.05% 164.67756455.000 /productlifecycle.html
19 1867 0.09% 22.7 MB 0.02% 244.796115275.000 /esos_energy_savings_opportunity_scheme.html
20 1774 0.08% 33.8 MB 0.03% 255.02072521.000 /small_business_calculator.html
21 1758 0.08% 31.1 MB 0.02% 216.33420238.000 /cfpstandard.html
22 1725 0.08% 28.6 MB 0.02% 202.86634220.000 /carbonoffsetprojects.html
23 1606 0.07% 47.9 MB 0.04% 122.63217347.000 /energyconsumption.html
24 1594 0.07% 92.1 MB 0.07% 299.1498208.000 /docs/2024_international_electricity_factors.xlsx
25 1567 0.07% 26.1 MB 0.02% 310.75432538.000 /tracker.html
26 1366 0.06% 31.9 MB 0.03% 234.26640802.000 /minimisecfp.html
27 1330 0.06% 29.9 MB 0.02% 237.82918993.000 /aboutus.html
28 1287 0.06% 23.9 MB 0.02% 428.573101461.000 /companiescalc.html
29 1236 0.06% 28.4 MB 0.02% 261.2449140.000 /integrate.html
30 1138 0.05% 28.4 MB 0.02% 239.06819369.000 /warming.html
View All URLs
Top 10 of 614 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 100668 4.68% 58437 41.54% /calculator.aspx
2 138123 6.42% 42689 30.34% /
3 10368 0.48% 3321 2.36% /offset.aspx
4 4949 0.23% 2540 1.81% /webstat/ref_201807.html
5 4977 0.23% 2182 1.55% /carbonoffset.html
6 5715 0.27% 1942 1.38% /contact.aspx
7 2553 0.12% 1732 1.23% /productlifecycle.html
8 2927 0.14% 1548 1.10% /international_electricity_factors.html
9 5150 0.24% 1224 0.87% /calculator1.html
10 6243 0.29% 1186 0.84% /sustraxvita.html

Robot activity is excluded from the Country, Entry and Exit URL reports

Top 10 of 600 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 100668 4.68% 56449 40.16% /calculator.aspx
2 138123 6.42% 38582 27.45% /
3 10368 0.48% 4787 3.41% /offset.aspx
4 6243 0.29% 3304 2.35% /sustraxvita.html
5 4949 0.23% 2412 1.72% /webstat/ref_201807.html
6 5715 0.27% 2350 1.67% /contact.aspx
7 4977 0.23% 2080 1.48% /carbonoffset.html
8 2553 0.12% 1782 1.27% /productlifecycle.html
9 2927 0.14% 1481 1.05% /international_electricity_factors.html
10 2742 0.13% 1087 0.77% /webstat/ref_201804.html

Robot activity is excluded from the Country, Entry and Exit URL reports

Top 20 of 7587 Errors
# Hits Status Method URL
1 3962 0.18% 404 GET/apple-touch-icon.png
2 3713 0.17% 404 GET/apple-touch-icon-precomposed.png
3 2040 0.09% 404 POST/autodiscover/autodiscover.xml
4 1852 0.09% 404 GET/wp-login.php
5 1215 0.06% 404 GET/.well-known/traffic-advice
6 1165 0.05% 404 GET/xmlrpc.php
7 969 0.05% 404 GET/ads.txt
8 847 0.04% 404 GET/apple-touch-icon-120x120.png
9 846 0.04% 404 GET/apple-touch-icon-120x120-precomposed.png
10 500 0.02% 404 GET/carbonfootprint.html
11 490 0.02% 404 GET/usage_202501.html
12 372 0.02% 404 GET/cms/wp-includes/wlwmanifest.xml
13 372 0.02% 404 GET/site/wp-includes/wlwmanifest.xml
14 372 0.02% 404 GET/test/wp-includes/wlwmanifest.xml
15 372 0.02% 404 GET/wp1/wp-includes/wlwmanifest.xml
16 372 0.02% 404 GET/shop/wp-includes/wlwmanifest.xml
17 372 0.02% 404 GET/2019/wp-includes/wlwmanifest.xml
18 372 0.02% 404 GET/wp/wp-includes/wlwmanifest.xml
19 372 0.02% 404 GET/wordpress/wp-includes/wlwmanifest.xml
20 372 0.02% 404 GET/web/wp-includes/wlwmanifest.xml
Top 30 of 94189 Total Hosts
# Hits Files Pages Transfer Visits Duration Country Host
1 41862 1.95% 39168 2.02% 41852 6.49% 343.5 MB 0.00% 3 0.00% 36.34 105.27 Germany
2 34504 1.60% 34504 1.78% 34504 5.35% 2.7 GB 0.00% 7 0.00% 3642.22 14411.68 Germany
3 20083 0.93% 0 0.00% 20083 3.11% 4.3 MB 0.00% 180 0.08% 153.63 1350.05 Ukraine
4 16154 0.75% 12 0.00% 16020 2.48% 6.4 MB 0.00% 1 0.00% 21.63 21.63 Romania
5 7252 0.34% 0 0.00% 7252 1.12% 3.1 MB 0.00% 10 0.00% 2735.11 9698.35 Russian Federation
6 5803 0.27% 5803 0.30% 5803 0.90% 547.9 MB 0.00% 2 0.00% 2513.53 4530.53 Russian Federation
7 5164 0.24% 5164 0.27% 5164 0.80% 73.2 MB 0.00% 11 0.00% 3897.76 17491.57 Malta
8 4203 0.20% 2534 0.13% 455 0.07% 311.7 MB 0.00% 69 0.03% 68.17 533.53 United Kingdom
9 3878 0.18% 3878 0.20% 3878 0.60% 13.5 MB 0.00% 1 0.00% 58.17 58.17 France
10 3664 0.17% 4 0.00% 3664 0.57% 3.7 MB 0.00% 4 0.00% 2.38 2.38 Singapore
11 3386 0.16% 3352 0.17% 315 0.05% 392.5 MB 0.00% 11 0.00% 13.48 38.03 India
12 3201 0.15% 3201 0.17% 0 0.00% 14.1 MB 0.00% 1 0.00% 16.62 16.62 Singapore
13 3152 0.15% 3152 0.16% 0 0.00% 13.6 MB 0.00% 1 0.00% 16.52 16.52 Singapore
14 2924 0.14% 16 0.00% 2247 0.35% 3.2 MB 0.00% 3 0.00% 6.66 11.05 United States
15 2886 0.13% 16 0.00% 2209 0.34% 3.2 MB 0.00% 3 0.00% 7.51 12.67 Singapore
16 2785 0.13% 2785 0.14% 2785 0.43% 99.4 MB 0.00% 105 0.05% 32.70 721.60 United States
17 2658 0.12% 2657 0.14% 115 0.02% 366.2 MB 0.00% 4 0.00% 30.49 66.85 United States
18 2576 0.12% 166 0.01% 15 0.00% 40.6 MB 0.00% 13 0.01% 459.16 565.62 United Kingdom
19 2335 0.11% 2315 0.12% 278 0.04% 132.4 MB 0.00% 23 0.01% 28.95 167.62 Colombia
20 2332 0.11% 2 0.00% 2332 0.36% 2.3 MB 0.00% 2 0.00% 3.03 3.03 Singapore
21 2158 0.10% 2158 0.11% 2158 0.33% 566.9 KB 0.00% 216 0.09% 0.23 2.28 Russian Federation
22 2157 0.10% 2 0.00% 1482 0.23% 2.4 MB 0.00% 1 0.00% 11.62 11.62 Singapore
23 2157 0.10% 2 0.00% 1482 0.23% 2.4 MB 0.00% 1 0.00% 6.12 6.12 Singapore
24 2157 0.10% 2 0.00% 1482 0.23% 2.4 MB 0.00% 1 0.00% 24.57 24.57 Singapore
25 2047 0.10% 1006 0.05% 2047 0.32% 5.8 MB 0.00% 12 0.01% 473.23 1159.87 United States
26 1983 0.09% 1245 0.06% 1980 0.31% 9.8 MB 0.00% 1 0.00% 3.23 3.23 United States
27 1860 0.09% 1818 0.09% 93 0.01% 240.1 MB 0.00% 12 0.01% 1.78 16.85 United States
28 1844 0.09% 929 0.05% 1844 0.29% 28.4 MB 0.00% 3 0.00% 2.39 2.40 Singapore
29 1821 0.08% 1821 0.09% 1821 0.28% 18.1 MB 0.00% 1 0.00% 3987.05 3987.05 Russian Federation
30 1783 0.08% 1770 0.09% 172 0.03% 169.6 MB 0.00% 10 0.00% 21.78 103.80 United States
Top 30 of 10772 Total Referrers
# Hits Visits Referrer
1 76787 3.57% 52267 22.63% https://www.google.com/
2 8180 0.38% 18 0.01% https://sex-oglasi.com.hr
3 8054 0.37% 8 0.00% https://croescort.net
4 6505 0.30% 84 0.04% www.google.com
5 5803 0.27% 2 0.00% https://betzula.cam/
6 3951 0.18% 0 0.00% https://biopharmaonline.shop
7 3933 0.18% 0 0.00% https://next-car.site
8 3919 0.18% 0 0.00% https://biofarma.top
9 3899 0.18% 0 0.00% https://easyprescriptionpills.shop
10 3627 0.17% 7 0.00% https://thebestoptions.net/
11 3625 0.17% 3 0.00% https://topratedstuff.net/
12 3197 0.15% 1 0.00% https://we-car.site
13 3158 0.15% 0 0.00% https://www.proko.com/@propeaxliwellvo/activity
14 3157 0.15% 2005 0.87% https://yarchatgpt.ru/
15 3129 0.15% 1 0.00% https://www.proko.com/@kayclinutimbu/activity
16 3120 0.15% 0 0.00% https://www.proko.com/@tracezniteku/activity
17 3065 0.14% 0 0.00% https://www.proko.com/@perpudisbesett/activity
18 3058 0.14% 0 0.00% https://www.proko.com/@tiodevitoher/activity
19 3057 0.14% 0 0.00% https://www.proko.com/@naiskilquitaidesk/activity
20 3055 0.14% 1 0.00% https://www.proko.com/@satesvitinan/activity
21 3038 0.14% 0 0.00% https://www.proko.com/@cetommalapi/activity
22 3037 0.14% 1 0.00% https://www.proko.com/@nelmicamissu/activity
23 3035 0.14% 0 0.00% https://www.proko.com/@anammevespa/activity
24 3022 0.14% 0 0.00% https://www.proko.com/@evdirmuvecog/activity
25 2988 0.14% 1 0.00% https://www.proko.com/@mobungdingboreat/activity
26 2970 0.14% 0 0.00% https://www.proko.com/@legedumetda/activity
27 2300 0.11% 2 0.00% https://kitehurghada.ru/
28 2075 0.10% 1693 0.73% https://www.bing.com/
29 1970 0.09% 24 0.01% https://trajenta.xobor.de/
30 1859 0.09% 34 0.01% http://all4webs.com/predforte
View All Referrers
Top 20 of 89 Total Search Strings
# Hits Visits Search String
1 155 61.02% 0 0.00% testing
2 4 1.57% 1 0.00% carbon footprint poster
3 3 1.18% 0 0.00% testing'||dbms_pipe.receive_message(chr(98)||chr(98)||chr(98),15)||'
4 3 1.18% 3 0.00% calculator.aspx
5 2 0.79% 2 0.00% carbon footprint calculator
6 2 0.79% 1 0.00% picture of carbon footprint report
7 2 0.79% 1 0.00% carbon footprint certifications
8 2 0.79% 1 0.00% carbon footprinting
9 1 0.39% 1 0.00% graph of what causes climate change
10 1 0.39% 1 0.00% free trees for schools
11 1 0.39% 1 0.00% carbon footprint calculator ireland secondary school
12 1 0.39% 1 0.00% compostable product lifecycle
13 1 0.39% 1 0.00% foot print high resulation
14 1 0.39% 1 0.00% search for images showing lifecycle diagrams or material flow charts. keywords: "lifecycle analysis," "material flow diagram," "sustainable production cycle."
15 1 0.39% 1 0.00% china digital footprint open source
16 1 0.39% 1 0.00% biggest factors of climate change
17 1 0.39% 1 0.00% carbon footprints in lapland
18 1 0.39% 1 0.00% life cycle of sustainable products"
19 1 0.39% 0 0.00% how to check carbon footprint
20 1 0.39% 1 0.00% piechart on weather
View All Search Strings
Top 15 of 14542 Total User Agents
# Hits Transfer Visits User Agent
1 150725 7.01% 4.8 GB 3.91% 54643 23.66% Robots
2 367384 17.08% 21.9 GB 17.80% 34636 15.00% Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; AppleWebKit/537.36; KHTML, like Gecko; Chrome/; Safari/537.36
3 93026 4.32% 5.1 GB 4.15% 10645 4.61% Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7; AppleWebKit/537.36; KHTML, like Gecko; Chrome/; Safari/537.36
4 91938 4.27% 5 GB 4.08% 7682 3.33% Linux; Android 10; K; AppleWebKit/537.36; KHTML, like Gecko; Chrome/; Mobile Safari/537.36
5 84240 3.92% 5.9 GB 4.78% 7566 3.28% Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; AppleWebKit/537.36; KHTML, like Gecko; Chrome/; Safari/537.36
6 11214 0.52% 658.9 MB 0.52% 6509 2.82% AppleWebKit/537.36; KHTML, like Gecko; bingbot/2.0; http://www.bing.com/bingbot.htm; Chrome/116.0.1938.76; Safari/537.36
7 101803 4.73% 6.9 GB 5.56% 5126 2.22% Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; AppleWebKit/537.36; KHTML, like Gecko; Chrome/; Safari/537.36; Edg/
8 5915 0.27% 306.1 MB 0.24% 4701 2.04% AppleWebKit/537.36; KHTML, like Gecko; ChatGPT-User/1.0; https://openai.com/bot
9 4573 0.21% 95.6 MB 0.08% 4130 1.79% Sogou web spider/4.0; http://www.sogou.com/docs/help/webmasters.htm#07
10 65551 3.05% 4.6 GB 3.73% 4019 1.74% iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 18_1_1 like Mac OS X; AppleWebKit/605.1.15; KHTML, like Gecko; Version/18.1.1; Mobile/15E148; Safari/604.1
11 4578 0.21% 203.7 MB 0.16% 3948 1.71% facebookexternalhit/1.1; http://www.facebook.com/externalhit_uatext.php
12 4198 0.20% 116.4 MB 0.09% 3633 1.57% Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7; AppleWebKit/605.1.15; KHTML, like Gecko; Version/17.4; Safari/605.1.15; Applebot/0.1; http://www.apple.com/go/applebot
13 70077 3.26% 5.9 GB 4.75% 3415 1.48% Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; AppleWebKit/537.36; KHTML, like Gecko; Chrome/; Safari/537.36; Edg/
14 5149 0.24% 110.3 MB 0.09% 3348 1.45% AhrefsBot/7.0; http://ahrefs.com/robot/
15 7653 0.36% 79 MB 0.06% 3332 1.44% Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_11_1; AppleWebKit/601.2.4; KHTML, like Gecko; Version/9.0.1; Safari/601.2.4; facebookexternalhit/1.1; Facebot Twitterbot/1.0
View All User Agents
Usage by Country for January 2025
Top 30 of 186 Total Countries
# Hits Files Pages Transfer Visits Country
1 482849 24.18% 437895 23.87% 10079499 1852.63% 29.4 GB 0.00% 63616 37.01% United States
2 72904 3.65% 65494 3.57% 1287339 236.61% 3.5 GB 0.00% 20685 12.03% Ireland
3 256349 12.84% 246301 13.43% 5431156 998.25% 20 GB 0.00% 14477 8.42% United Kingdom
4 136024 6.81% 128572 7.01% 1505068 276.63% 6.5 GB 0.00% 6429 3.74% Germany
5 97774 4.90% 95261 5.19% 911374 167.51% 5.4 GB 0.00% 5744 3.34% India
6 35300 1.77% 28594 1.56% 1484995 272.94% 1.5 GB 0.00% 5136 2.99% China
7 31626 1.58% 27348 1.49% 1144788 210.41% 2 GB 0.00% 4874 2.84% Unresolved/Unknown
8 72418 3.63% 70774 3.86% 907799 166.85% 3.7 GB 0.00% 4486 2.61% Canada
9 69690 3.49% 59189 3.23% 7427555 1365.20% 2.4 GB 0.00% 3876 2.25% Russian Federation
10 35987 1.80% 34750 1.89% 974185 179.06% 2.5 GB 0.00% 2945 1.71% Netherlands
11 37993 1.90% 36716 2.00% 1584252 291.19% 2.3 GB 0.00% 2649 1.54% France
12 35894 1.80% 35281 1.92% 666424 122.49% 2.3 GB 0.00% 2103 1.22% Italy
13 26059 1.31% 25634 1.40% 349556 64.25% 1.1 GB 0.00% 1540 0.90% Philippines
14 28868 1.45% 27817 1.52% 427372 78.55% 1.8 GB 0.00% 1393 0.81% Spain
15 8301 0.42% 6287 0.34% 183904 33.80% 404.1 MB 0.00% 1385 0.81% Japan
16 45130 2.26% 21446 1.17% 519351 95.46% 775.4 MB 0.00% 1320 0.77% Singapore
17 19811 0.99% 19634 1.07% 147900 27.18% 925.9 MB 0.00% 1183 0.69% Malaysia
18 16419 0.82% 15927 0.87% 563231 103.52% 891.9 MB 0.00% 1166 0.68% Australia
19 18383 0.92% 18084 0.99% 559952 102.92% 1.4 GB 0.00% 1144 0.67% Turkey
20 32102 1.61% 14656 0.80% 261897 48.14% 1.1 GB 0.00% 1123 0.65% Romania
21 17737 0.89% 17261 0.94% 264303 48.58% 960.9 MB 0.00% 1113 0.65% Indonesia
22 11930 0.60% 11232 0.61% 542234 99.66% 731.1 MB 0.00% 1112 0.65% Sweden
23 26102 1.31% 25836 1.41% 484693 89.09% 2 GB 0.00% 1081 0.63% Mexico
24 13576 0.68% 13283 0.72% 363322 66.78% 865.5 MB 0.00% 1001 0.58% Poland
25 10522 0.53% 9425 0.51% 477248 87.72% 601.7 MB 0.00% 948 0.55% Hong Kong
26 14872 0.74% 14633 0.80% 143684 26.41% 943.6 MB 0.00% 840 0.49% Thailand
27 12896 0.65% 12664 0.69% 113949 20.94% 861.2 MB 0.00% 829 0.48% Israel
28 8224 0.41% 6988 0.38% 167953 30.87% 637.6 MB 0.00% 825 0.48% Brazil
29 15256 0.76% 15029 0.82% 187961 34.55% 1.7 GB 0.00% 767 0.45% Belgium
30 7251 0.36% 6841 0.37% 164160 30.17% 435.1 MB 0.00% 760 0.44% South Africa

Robot activity is excluded from the Country, Entry and Exit URL reports