WebStat for carbonfootprint.com

Summary Period: December 2024
Generated 02-Jan-2025 02:05 GMT Standard Time
Monthly Statistics for December 2024
Total Hits 2148074
Total Files 1893080
Total Pages 673334
Total Visits 240097
Total Transfer 84.7 GB
Total Unique Hosts 97082
Total Unique URLs 2564
Total Unique Referrers 8730
Total Unique User Names 395
Total Unique User Agents 13497
Human Totals
Total Hits 1974206
Total Files 1783635
Total Pages 557415
Total Transfer 78.1 GB
Total Unique Hosts 80722
Total Visits 180802
Hits per Visit1026936
Files per Visit924496
Pages per Visit326934
Transfer per Visit453.1 KB1.5 GB
Visit Duration3.3013141.17
Robot Totals
Total Hits 155647
Total Files 92166
Total Pages 108756
Total Errors 6506
Total Transfer 5.8 GB
Total Visits 57686
Total Unique Hosts 15722
Spammer Totals
Total Hits 18221
Total Transfer 724.1 MB
Total Visits 1609
Total Unique Hosts 638
Performance Avg Max
Seconds per Hit 558.437 879777.000
Seconds per File 613.632 879777.000
Seconds per Page 267.635 532904.000
Hourly/Daily Totals Avg Max
Hits per Hour 2887 41461
Hits per Day 69292 122436
Hits per Visit 8 26936
Files per Day 61067 110731
Files per Visit 7 24496
Pages per Day 21720 68278
Pages per Visit 2 26934
Visits per Day 7745 10357
Visit Duration 3.30 13141.17
Transfer per Day 2.7 GB 7.1 GB
Transfer per Visit 369.8 KB 1.5 GB
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 1887390
Code 206 - Partial Content 5690
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 149995
Code 302 - Found 2718
Code 304 - Not Modified 7972
Code 400 - Bad Request 164
Code 403 - Forbidden 205
Code 404 - Not Found 93089
Code 405 - Method Not Allowed 154
Code 406 - Not Acceptable 684
Code 412 - Precondition Failed 3
Code 416 - Requested Range Not Satisfiable 5
Code 417 - Expectation Failed 2
Code 500 - Internal Server Error 3

Visitors are identified by IP addresses. Two or more visitors sharing the same IP address (e.g. firewall address) will be counted as a single visitor.

Daily usage for December 2024

Pages - document requests (e.g. html, asp, txt); Files - successful requests of all types (e.g. html, gif, css); Hits - all requests, including errors;

Daily Statistics for December 2024
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Hosts Transfer
Total Avg Max Total Avg Max Total Avg Max Total Avg Max Total Avg Max Total Avg Max
1 55350 2.58% 2306 3335 47486 2.51% 1979 2893 19196 2.85% 800 1490 7003 2.92% 292 369 4957 5.11% 207 252 1.7 GB 2.00% 72.4 MB 122.5 MB
2 107606 5.01% 4484 8203 98692 5.21% 4112 7866 26634 3.96% 1110 2923 10115 4.21% 421 715 7178 7.39% 252 490 3.3 GB 3.90% 140.9 MB 273.6 MB
3 97849 4.56% 4077 6112 90721 4.79% 3780 5885 24312 3.61% 1013 2302 10357 4.31% 432 601 7155 7.37% 225 327 3 GB 3.52% 127 MB 214 MB
4 94323 4.39% 3930 7316 86767 4.58% 3615 6900 23944 3.56% 998 2254 9977 4.16% 416 566 6846 7.05% 199 301 3.1 GB 3.66% 132.3 MB 270.4 MB
5 105999 4.93% 4417 8233 96378 5.09% 4016 6437 27591 4.10% 1150 4509 10015 4.17% 417 550 7028 7.24% 201 288 3.2 GB 3.77% 136.2 MB 223.9 MB
6 90992 4.24% 3791 6364 76701 4.05% 3196 4955 28623 4.25% 1193 4295 9043 3.77% 377 555 6410 6.60% 172 287 2.6 GB 3.10% 111.9 MB 200.3 MB
7 46775 2.18% 1949 2618 40971 2.16% 1707 2108 13885 2.06% 579 890 6262 2.61% 261 344 4544 4.68% 112 162 1.4 GB 1.62% 58.6 MB 78.2 MB
8 51986 2.42% 2166 3783 43434 2.29% 1810 2455 16793 2.49% 700 2259 6610 2.75% 275 370 4788 4.93% 114 176 1.7 GB 1.98% 71.4 MB 138.8 MB
9 88183 4.11% 3674 5696 81985 4.33% 3416 5452 18724 2.78% 780 1483 9596 4.00% 400 577 6633 6.83% 173 268 3.4 GB 3.96% 143 MB 271.7 MB
10 98605 4.59% 4109 8356 87689 4.63% 3654 7090 24542 3.64% 1023 3059 9878 4.11% 412 653 6837 7.04% 175 303 3.8 GB 4.53% 163.6 MB 374.7 MB
11 91047 4.24% 3794 7514 82891 4.38% 3454 6215 22459 3.34% 936 2546 9993 4.16% 416 606 6978 7.19% 179 270 3.4 GB 4.02% 145.2 MB 282.3 MB
12 88475 4.12% 3686 5882 82423 4.35% 3434 5597 20933 3.11% 872 1407 9504 3.96% 396 547 6771 6.97% 168 267 3.4 GB 4.00% 144.5 MB 276.6 MB
13 74618 3.47% 3109 5343 66627 3.52% 2776 5062 19380 2.88% 808 2029 8592 3.58% 358 492 5932 6.11% 138 222 2.8 GB 3.26% 117.6 MB 208.9 MB
14 52553 2.45% 2190 3591 41329 2.18% 1722 2493 23570 3.50% 982 1904 7383 3.08% 308 421 4719 4.86% 101 146 1.7 GB 2.03% 73.5 MB 101.8 MB
15 48324 2.25% 2013 4008 41863 2.21% 1744 2617 16043 2.38% 668 1901 6483 2.70% 270 416 4739 4.88% 98 162 2 GB 2.32% 84 MB 187 MB
16 83110 3.87% 3463 5788 76043 4.02% 3168 5495 21107 3.13% 879 1185 9416 3.92% 392 585 6518 6.71% 144 239 3.3 GB 3.84% 138.7 MB 229.2 MB
17 118500 5.52% 4938 41461 109940 5.81% 4581 40433 23272 3.46% 970 3275 9977 4.16% 416 1429 7245 7.46% 175 943 7.1 GB 8.42% 304.3 MB 4.4 GB
18 122436 5.70% 5102 25938 110731 5.85% 4614 24279 68278 10.14% 2845 24014 8918 3.71% 372 632 6288 6.48% 137 240 3 GB 3.49% 126.1 MB 271.4 MB
19 76770 3.57% 3199 7095 65965 3.48% 2749 4361 23587 3.50% 983 2651 8602 3.58% 358 489 5931 6.11% 129 184 3.2 GB 3.75% 135.4 MB 278.5 MB
20 62335 2.90% 2597 5185 52585 2.78% 2191 3424 19350 2.87% 806 2236 7379 3.07% 307 458 5261 5.42% 108 195 3.1 GB 3.67% 132.5 MB 248.2 MB
21 39289 1.83% 1637 3909 31329 1.65% 1305 1794 14660 2.18% 611 2406 5230 2.18% 218 292 3824 3.94% 71 93 2 GB 2.36% 85.3 MB 134 MB
22 41119 1.91% 1713 2564 33684 1.78% 1403 2234 14933 2.22% 622 1524 5633 2.35% 235 331 4193 4.32% 79 129 2 GB 2.35% 85.1 MB 156.6 MB
23 53501 2.49% 2229 3923 43614 2.30% 1817 2938 18164 2.70% 757 2676 6546 2.73% 273 395 4768 4.91% 95 130 2.5 GB 3.01% 108.8 MB 184.5 MB
24 46731 2.18% 1947 3082 39431 2.08% 1643 2587 17081 2.54% 712 1639 6855 2.86% 286 368 4704 4.85% 79 115 2.3 GB 2.66% 96.2 MB 190.3 MB
25 44529 2.07% 1855 4022 32293 1.71% 1346 2054 23177 3.44% 966 2463 5770 2.40% 240 344 4003 4.12% 64 92 1.9 GB 2.21% 80 MB 169.7 MB
26 48743 2.27% 2031 2633 40606 2.14% 1692 2368 21857 3.25% 911 1629 5624 2.34% 234 303 4159 4.28% 82 139 2.3 GB 2.72% 98.4 MB 167 MB
27 44362 2.07% 1848 2804 39621 2.09% 1651 2593 15831 2.35% 660 991 5585 2.33% 233 307 4012 4.13% 75 115 2.4 GB 2.79% 101 MB 177.1 MB
28 34703 1.62% 1446 2087 30716 1.62% 1280 1995 13607 2.02% 567 740 4997 2.08% 208 267 3587 3.69% 64 102 1.7 GB 2.03% 73.3 MB 139.9 MB
29 39420 1.84% 1642 2781 32794 1.73% 1366 2190 16539 2.46% 689 1484 5367 2.24% 224 542 3983 4.10% 66 106 1.9 GB 2.29% 82.8 MB 145.7 MB
30 53437 2.49% 2227 2788 48448 2.56% 2019 2625 18285 2.72% 762 999 7370 3.07% 307 499 5135 5.29% 93 121 3 GB 3.56% 128.5 MB 223.2 MB
31 46404 2.16% 1934 3221 39323 2.08% 1638 2503 16977 2.52% 707 1881 6017 2.51% 251 448 4291 4.42% 72 159 2.7 GB 3.17% 114.5 MB 196 MB
Hourly usage for December 2024
Top 30 of 2564 Total URLs
# Hits Transfer Time URL
1 160736 7.48% 2.2 GB 2.55% 162.799258499.000 /
2 94899 4.42% 2.1 GB 2.45% 461.117479644.000 /calculator.aspx
3 45704 2.13% 454.6 MB 0.52% 112.47151455.000 /webstat/
4 23997 1.12% 2.1 GB 2.43% 148.720304590.000 /webstat/usage_202412.html
5 11309 0.53% 343.1 MB 0.40% 270.890113430.000 /offset.aspx
6 7008 0.33% 193 MB 0.22% 418.309143424.000 /contact.aspx
7 6320 0.29% 103.5 MB 0.12% 858.441153116.000 /measure.html
8 6103 0.28% 173.2 MB 0.20% 384.609118873.000 /carbonoffset.html
9 5099 0.24% 86.7 MB 0.10% 525.229226176.000 /calculator1.html
10 4132 0.19% 627 MB 0.72% 1302.601295997.000 /webstat/ref_201807.html
11 2750 0.13% 228.6 MB 0.26% 1072.277135025.000 /webstat/usage_201710.html
12 2648 0.12% 48.9 MB 0.06% 199.00514163.000 /international_electricity_factors.html
13 2496 0.12% 824.1 MB 0.95% 996.204194712.000 /docs/2023_02_emissions_factors_sources_for_2022_electricity_v10.pdf
14 2448 0.11% 433 MB 0.50% 812.62949178.000 /webstat/ref_201804.html
15 2099 0.10% 18.3 MB 0.02% 184.272110480.000 /esos_energy_savings_opportunity_scheme.html
16 2001 0.09% 36 MB 0.04% 172.6564699.000 /cfpstandard.html
17 1975 0.09% 34.6 MB 0.04% 228.47785122.000 /carbonoffsetprojects.html
18 1879 0.09% 175.8 MB 0.20% 201.48753500.000 /webstat/usage_202308.html
19 1833 0.09% 34.7 MB 0.04% 690.147263545.000 /small_business_calculator.html
20 1825 0.08% 41.7 MB 0.05% 120.35125610.000 /plantingtrees.html
21 1761 0.08% 25.1 MB 0.03% 188.74828656.000 /carbonneutrality.html
22 1562 0.07% 35.1 MB 0.04% 306.23495041.000 /integrate.html
23 1470 0.07% 24.9 MB 0.03% 562.295223675.000 /tracker.html
24 1408 0.07% 32.7 MB 0.04% 274.35419537.000 /minimisecfp.html
25 1402 0.07% 30.8 MB 0.04% 299.62837978.000 /aboutus.html
26 1375 0.06% 127.8 MB 0.15% 308.22334967.000 /webstat/usage_202411.html
27 1357 0.06% 35.3 MB 0.04% 325.035118661.000 /basket.aspx
28 1334 0.06% 32.1 MB 0.04% 276.28689925.000 /productlifecycle.html
29 1241 0.06% 14.4 MB 0.02% 110.0163148.000 /news.html
30 1192 0.06% 94 MB 0.11% 492.495156170.000 /carbonacademy_sbn.html
View All URLs
Top 10 of 630 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 94899 4.42% 56267 38.33% /calculator.aspx
2 160736 7.48% 46587 31.73% /
3 11309 0.53% 3494 2.38% /offset.aspx
4 6103 0.28% 2889 1.97% /carbonoffset.html
5 7008 0.33% 2372 1.62% /contact.aspx
6 4132 0.19% 2174 1.48% /webstat/ref_201807.html
7 2750 0.13% 1705 1.16% /webstat/usage_201710.html
8 2496 0.12% 1326 0.90% /docs/2023_02_emissions_factors_sources_for_2022_electricity_v10.pdf
9 2648 0.12% 1322 0.90% /international_electricity_factors.html
10 5099 0.24% 1231 0.84% /calculator1.html

Robot activity is excluded from the Country, Entry and Exit URL reports

Top 10 of 640 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 94899 4.42% 56476 38.47% /calculator.aspx
2 160736 7.48% 42766 29.13% /
3 11309 0.53% 5003 3.41% /offset.aspx
4 7008 0.33% 2709 1.85% /contact.aspx
5 6103 0.28% 2647 1.80% /carbonoffset.html
6 4132 0.19% 1980 1.35% /webstat/ref_201807.html
7 2750 0.13% 1595 1.09% /webstat/usage_201710.html
8 2496 0.12% 1264 0.86% /docs/2023_02_emissions_factors_sources_for_2022_electricity_v10.pdf
9 2648 0.12% 1214 0.83% /international_electricity_factors.html
10 6320 0.29% 1116 0.76% /measure.html

Robot activity is excluded from the Country, Entry and Exit URL reports

Top 20 of 9919 Errors
# Hits Status Method URL
1 4112 0.19% 404 GET/apple-touch-icon.png
2 3924 0.18% 404 GET/apple-touch-icon-precomposed.png
3 2635 0.12% 404 GET/wp-login.php
4 2174 0.10% 404 GET/xmlrpc.php
5 1749 0.08% 404 POST/autodiscover/autodiscover.xml
6 1328 0.06% 404 GET/.well-known/traffic-advice
7 1291 0.06% 404 GET/ads.txt
8 1077 0.05% 404 GET/usage_202412.html
9 1072 0.05% 404 GET/apple-touch-icon-120x120.png
10 1072 0.05% 404 GET/apple-touch-icon-120x120-precomposed.png
11 566 0.03% 406 GET/webstat/ref_201807.html
12 507 0.02% 404 GET/carbonfootprint.html
13 475 0.02% 404 GET/cms/wp-includes/wlwmanifest.xml
14 475 0.02% 404 GET/site/wp-includes/wlwmanifest.xml
15 475 0.02% 404 GET/test/wp-includes/wlwmanifest.xml
16 475 0.02% 404 GET/wp1/wp-includes/wlwmanifest.xml
17 475 0.02% 404 GET/wp/wp-includes/wlwmanifest.xml
18 475 0.02% 404 GET/wordpress/wp-includes/wlwmanifest.xml
19 475 0.02% 404 GET/web/wp-includes/wlwmanifest.xml
20 475 0.02% 404 GET/blog/wp-includes/wlwmanifest.xml
Top 30 of 97082 Total Hosts
# Hits Files Pages Transfer Visits Duration Country Host
1 27070 1.26% 24570 1.30% 27066 4.02% 210.6 MB 0.00% 2 0.00% 60.88 117.45 Germany
2 26548 1.24% 0 0.00% 26548 3.94% 5.7 MB 0.00% 173 0.07% 198.88 1472.98 Ukraine
3 20949 0.98% 19171 1.01% 20942 3.11% 163.8 MB 0.00% 1 0.00% 117.90 117.90 Germany
4 18769 0.87% 6802 0.36% 18767 2.79% 209 MB 0.00% 45 0.02% 3.36 36.00 United States
5 16431 0.76% 16431 0.87% 16431 2.44% 1.5 GB 0.00% 1 0.00% 10345.95 10345.95 Germany
6 14698 0.68% 14595 0.77% 14698 2.18% 145.4 MB 0.00% 4 0.00% 1586.28 3432.12 Russian Federation
7 12019 0.56% 3502 0.18% 12005 1.78% 107.9 MB 0.00% 13 0.01% 1.79 20.27 United States
8 5852 0.27% 5852 0.31% 5852 0.87% 86.8 MB 0.00% 9 0.00% 4927.96 13141.17 Malta
9 5602 0.26% 5602 0.30% 5602 0.83% 55.9 MB 0.00% 2 0.00% 3642.32 7279.65 Russian Federation
10 4684 0.22% 4683 0.25% 4684 0.70% 391.7 MB 0.00% 4 0.00% 1910.58 7628.05 Iran
11 4653 0.22% 16 0.00% 3255 0.48% 5.6 MB 0.00% 8 0.00% 11.46 24.23 United States
12 4492 0.21% 4447 0.23% 352 0.05% 98.3 MB 0.00% 8 0.00% 158.56 387.00 United States
13 3896 0.18% 3891 0.21% 285 0.04% 193.5 MB 0.00% 22 0.01% 13.12 132.80 United States
14 3595 0.17% 1985 0.10% 502 0.07% 254.7 MB 0.00% 56 0.02% 79.57 524.03 United Kingdom
15 3558 0.17% 1779 0.09% 3558 0.53% 19.3 MB 0.00% 656 0.27% 1.29 34.47 United States
16 3439 0.16% 3439 0.18% 3439 0.51% 34.3 MB 0.00% 5 0.00% 1155.64 2743.48 Russian Federation
17 3111 0.14% 3105 0.16% 399 0.06% 83.1 MB 0.00% 60 0.02% 11.70 143.18 India
18 2901 0.14% 1924 0.10% 1546 0.23% 314.2 MB 0.00% 198 0.08% 72.97 1000.52 United States
19 2760 0.13% 930 0.05% 2760 0.41% 29.3 MB 0.00% 4 0.00% 2.39 2.42 Singapore
20 2738 0.13% 697 0.04% 2738 0.41% 21.8 MB 0.00% 6 0.00% 0.77 1.18 United States
21 2635 0.12% 2635 0.14% 2635 0.39% 691.2 KB 0.00% 264 0.11% 0.28 4.00 Russian Federation
22 2410 0.11% 2402 0.13% 325 0.05% 77.7 MB 0.00% 66 0.03% 17.06 144.08 United States
23 2377 0.11% 0 0.00% 2377 0.35% 2.3 MB 0.00% 3 0.00% 2.36 3.13 Singapore
24 2296 0.11% 466 0.02% 2296 0.34% 15.6 MB 0.00% 3 0.00% 2.40 2.42 Singapore
25 2249 0.10% 451 0.02% 2249 0.33% 14.6 MB 0.00% 2 0.00% 6.54 10.73 Singapore
26 2157 0.10% 2 0.00% 1482 0.22% 2.4 MB 0.00% 1 0.00% 6.55 6.55 United States
27 2157 0.10% 2 0.00% 1482 0.22% 2.4 MB 0.00% 1 0.00% 6.50 6.50 United States
28 2157 0.10% 2 0.00% 1482 0.22% 2.4 MB 0.00% 1 0.00% 6.58 6.58 Singapore
29 2157 0.10% 2 0.00% 1482 0.22% 2.3 MB 0.00% 1 0.00% 6.55 6.55 United States
30 2157 0.10% 2 0.00% 1482 0.22% 2.3 MB 0.00% 1 0.00% 7.10 7.10 United States
Top 30 of 8730 Total Referrers
# Hits Visits Referrer
1 74933 3.49% 53055 22.10% https://www.google.com/
2 13717 0.64% 2 0.00% https://marketplacesrf.ru
3 12019 0.56% 39 0.02% www.google.com
4 10216 0.48% 11 0.00% https://kitehurghada.ru/
5 9083 0.42% 16 0.01% https://croescort.net
6 8775 0.41% 20 0.01% https://sex-oglasi.com.hr
7 5277 0.25% 0 0.00% https://we-car.site
8 4673 0.22% 1 0.00% https://softexpo.com
9 3165 0.15% 1 0.00% https://newcars.site
10 3105 0.14% 2208 0.92% https://cleanuri.com/By9VQO
11 2776 0.13% 1822 0.76% http://smallishbear.com/__media__/js/netsoltrademark.php
12 2365 0.11% 0 0.00% https://biofarma.top
13 2316 0.11% 0 0.00% https://next-car.site
14 2103 0.10% 1393 0.58% https://yarchatgpt.ru/
15 2048 0.10% 0 0.00% https://easyprescriptionpills.shop
16 2044 0.10% 1622 0.68% https://www.bing.com/
17 1830 0.09% 5 0.00% https://olit.su/
18 1509 0.07% 107 0.04% https://t.me/Znakomstva_Donetsk_Lugansk
19 1474 0.07% 20 0.01% https://trajenta.xobor.de/
20 1417 0.07% 1342 0.56% https://www.so.com/link
21 1319 0.06% 129 0.05% https://jester-soft.ws/
22 1316 0.06% 135 0.06% https://softbesplatno.net/
23 1260 0.06% 0 0.00% https://biopharmaonline.shop
24 1075 0.05% 22 0.01% https://vortioxetin.xobor.de
25 825 0.04% 23 0.01% http://all4webs.com/predforte
26 732 0.03% 605 0.25% https://myactivity.google.com/
27 704 0.03% 503 0.21% https://www.google.co.uk/
28 668 0.03% 586 0.24% https://chatgpt.com/
29 657 0.03% 637 0.27% https://m.baidu.com/
30 642 0.03% 83 0.03% https://www.google.com
View All Referrers
Top 20 of 138 Total Search Strings
# Hits Visits Search String
1 114 39.86% 0 0.00% testing
2 4 1.40% 4 0.00% (iso 14040) or"life cycle" site:carbonfootprint.com
3 4 1.40% 4 0.00% annual report site:carbonfootprint.com
4 4 1.40% 4 0.00% waste management hierarchy
5 3 1.05% 3 0.00% sa 8000 site:carbonfootprint.com
6 3 1.05% 3 0.00% ("iso 50001" or "iso50001" or "iso-50001") site:carbonfootprint.com
7 3 1.05% 3 0.00% iso 14001 site:carbonfootprint.com
8 3 1.05% 3 0.00% energy management
9 3 1.05% 1 0.00% sustainable development goals summit
10 2 0.70% 1 0.00% graph between carbon foot print and time in japan
11 2 0.70% 1 0.00% poster carbon stok
12 2 0.70% 2 0.00% ohsas 18001 site:carbonfootprint.com
13 2 0.70% 2 0.00% ("sustainability report" or "nachhaltigkeitsbericht" or "umweltbericht" or "csr report" or "csr-report") site:carbonfootprint.com
14 2 0.70% 0 0.00% testingˤˢ%27%22\'\"
15 2 0.70% 0 0.00% testing'"
16 2 0.70% 0 0.00% testing'||dbms_pipe.receive_message(chr(98)||chr(98)||chr(98),15)||'
17 2 0.70% 0 0.00% testing-1 waitfor delay '0:0:15' --
18 2 0.70% 0 0.00% testing-1); waitfor delay '0:0:15' --
19 2 0.70% 0 0.00% testing-1; waitfor delay '0:0:15' --
20 2 0.70% 0 0.00% testing0"xor(if(now()=sysdate(),sleep(15),0))xor"z
View All Search Strings
Top 15 of 13497 Total User Agents
# Hits Transfer Visits User Agent
1 149682 6.97% 5.2 GB 6.09% 55328 23.04% Robots
2 417019 19.41% 18.2 GB 21.48% 40779 16.98% Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; AppleWebKit/537.36; KHTML, like Gecko; Chrome/; Safari/537.36
3 110661 5.15% 4.6 GB 5.44% 10230 4.26% Linux; Android 10; K; AppleWebKit/537.36; KHTML, like Gecko; Chrome/; Mobile Safari/537.36
4 83312 3.88% 3.5 GB 4.10% 9774 4.07% Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7; AppleWebKit/537.36; KHTML, like Gecko; Chrome/; Safari/537.36
5 156866 7.30% 7.5 GB 8.91% 7995 3.33% Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; AppleWebKit/537.36; KHTML, like Gecko; Chrome/; Safari/537.36; Edg/
6 7993 0.37% 98.8 MB 0.11% 5431 2.26% Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; AppleWebKit/537.36; KHTML, like Gecko; Chrome/96.0.4664.93; Safari/537.36
7 7300 0.34% 886.4 MB 1.02% 5183 2.16% AppleWebKit/537.36; KHTML, like Gecko; bingbot/2.0; http://www.bing.com/bingbot.htm; Chrome/116.0.1938.76; Safari/537.36
8 71094 3.31% 3.1 GB 3.65% 4762 1.98% iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 18_1_1 like Mac OS X; AppleWebKit/605.1.15; KHTML, like Gecko; Version/18.1.1; Mobile/15E148; Safari/604.1
9 5331 0.25% 244 MB 0.28% 4420 1.84% facebookexternalhit/1.1; http://www.facebook.com/externalhit_uatext.php
10 5420 0.25% 290.2 MB 0.33% 4134 1.72% meta-externalagent/1.1; https://developers.facebook.com/docs/sharing/webmasters/crawler
11 8305 0.39% 93.8 MB 0.11% 3721 1.55% Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_11_1; AppleWebKit/601.2.4; KHTML, like Gecko; Version/9.0.1; Safari/601.2.4; facebookexternalhit/1.1; Facebot Twitterbot/1.0
12 4235 0.20% 132.6 MB 0.15% 3676 1.53% Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7; AppleWebKit/605.1.15; KHTML, like Gecko; Version/17.4; Safari/605.1.15; Applebot/0.1; http://www.apple.com/go/applebot
13 5749 0.27% 130.1 MB 0.15% 3462 1.44% AhrefsBot/7.0; http://ahrefs.com/robot/
14 6824 0.32% 956.1 MB 1.10% 3332 1.39% Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; Gecko/20100101; Firefox/111.0
15 3904 0.18% 428.8 MB 0.49% 2926 1.22% AppleWebKit/537.36; KHTML, like Gecko; ChatGPT-User/1.0; https://openai.com/bot
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Usage by Country for December 2024
Top 30 of 198 Total Countries
# Hits Files Pages Transfer Visits Country
1 566930 28.45% 484892 26.92% 9956262 1763.49% 23.3 GB 0.00% 67689 37.44% United States
2 61397 3.08% 60211 3.34% 1246635 220.81% 2.5 GB 0.00% 21224 11.74% Ireland
3 219161 11.00% 207021 11.50% 5402871 956.98% 11 GB 0.00% 13293 7.35% United Kingdom
4 95989 4.82% 89906 4.99% 1473144 260.93% 1.9 GB 0.00% 7628 4.22% China
5 115558 5.80% 104830 5.82% 1415859 250.78% 3.7 GB 0.00% 6905 3.82% Germany
6 106803 5.36% 103342 5.74% 901535 159.68% 4.2 GB 0.00% 6315 3.49% India
7 34574 1.74% 26566 1.48% 1135074 201.05% 1.4 GB 0.00% 5385 2.98% Unresolved/Unknown
8 85907 4.31% 81384 4.52% 7383839 1307.85% 1.9 GB 0.00% 4306 2.38% Russian Federation
9 31091 1.56% 28152 1.56% 969642 171.75% 1.7 GB 0.00% 2911 1.61% Netherlands
10 39847 2.00% 37885 2.10% 900250 159.46% 1.4 GB 0.00% 2723 1.51% Canada
11 30970 1.55% 28668 1.59% 1574991 278.97% 1.4 GB 0.00% 2574 1.42% France
12 8321 0.42% 7218 0.40% 181866 32.21% 366.8 MB 0.00% 1875 1.04% Japan
13 30658 1.54% 30025 1.67% 662449 117.34% 1.3 GB 0.00% 1828 1.01% Italy
14 31600 1.59% 31082 1.73% 558111 98.85% 1.7 GB 0.00% 1764 0.98% Turkey
15 32720 1.64% 32247 1.79% 424040 75.11% 1.4 GB 0.00% 1600 0.88% Spain
16 49561 2.49% 17757 0.99% 493230 87.36% 658.3 MB 0.00% 1501 0.83% Singapore
17 20556 1.03% 20304 1.13% 145234 25.72% 843.5 MB 0.00% 1335 0.74% Malaysia
18 12728 0.64% 10415 0.58% 475260 84.18% 403.5 MB 0.00% 1206 0.67% Hong Kong
19 9848 0.49% 8594 0.48% 540268 95.69% 342.8 MB 0.00% 1194 0.66% Sweden
20 21469 1.08% 21123 1.17% 482356 85.44% 709.2 MB 0.00% 1184 0.65% Mexico
21 14939 0.75% 14421 0.80% 561602 99.47% 603.8 MB 0.00% 1165 0.64% Australia
22 12009 0.60% 11159 0.62% 166310 29.46% 631.6 MB 0.00% 1143 0.63% Brazil
23 18281 0.92% 17803 0.99% 346685 61.41% 617.5 MB 0.00% 1132 0.63% Philippines
24 13146 0.66% 12520 0.70% 243723 43.17% 626.5 MB 0.00% 1122 0.62% Romania
25 12251 0.61% 11942 0.66% 360863 63.92% 508.1 MB 0.00% 969 0.54% Poland
26 16669 0.84% 16032 0.89% 262148 46.43% 702.6 MB 0.00% 958 0.53% Indonesia
27 6605 0.33% 6094 0.34% 162615 28.80% 303.3 MB 0.00% 875 0.48% South Africa
28 10854 0.54% 10669 0.59% 112785 19.98% 520.7 MB 0.00% 786 0.43% Israel
29 12764 0.64% 12502 0.69% 186877 33.10% 720.8 MB 0.00% 731 0.40% Belgium
30 9956 0.50% 8661 0.48% 163979 29.04% 409.4 MB 0.00% 690 0.38% Switzerland

Robot activity is excluded from the Country, Entry and Exit URL reports