Carbon Neutrality
Become carbon neutral by offsetting your emissions to the highest standards and support local communities
What is Carbon Neutrality?
Carbon Neutral is a term used to describe the state of an entity (such as a company, service, product or event), where the carbon emissions caused by them have been balanced out by funding an equivalent amount of carbon savings elsewhere in the world. Net zero happens when residual carbon emissions (once you have reduced by 90%) are balanced by carbon removals.
The carbon savings are generated through helping to fund renewable energy projects and energy efficiency projects, many of which bring additional social and community benefits in developing countries as well as reducing greenhouse gases.
There is an increasing number of businesses claiming to be carbon neutral. They recognise that being carbon neutral can play a key part of their sustainability and Corporate and Social Responsibility (CSR) strategy whilst enabling them to do their bit for global climate change. They also realise that individuals and corporate customers prefer to buy products and service from environmentally conscious suppliers.
How we can help you
Whether you are an SME or a multinational corporate, our team of experts can help your business achieve carbon neutrality to the leading international standards.
- Set their carbon neutrality and carbon management strategies
- Calculate & track their carbon footprint
- Implementing cost effective carbon reduction programmes
- Offset emissions through a wide choice of high quality projects around the world
- Develop their marketing and communications strategy around their environmental credentials

- Drafting a Carbon Management Plan
- Carbon Footprint Assessment & Tracking
- Carbon Reduction Strategy & Reporting
- Carbon Offsetting via fully verified offset projects
- Robust Carbon Neutrality PR / Marketing Statements
Want more information on our our range of Carbon Offset Projects?
- Our Carbon Offset Projects Portfolio
- UK Tree Planting + VCS Offsetting
- Kenya Reforestation + VCS Offsetting