Our Sustainability Credentials

Running Carbon Footprint Ltd Sustainably is Core to our Fundamental Values and Ethos 


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Our Commitment to the Environment 

We are leading in environmental change, helping our clients to reduce their environmental impact and minimise their carbon emissions. We believe in leading by example and are committed to keeping our own environmental footprint to an absolute minimum. 

Our Targets

  • Reduce our carbon footprint (tCO2e/unit of turnover) by over 90% compared with our 2009 baseline by 2030.
  • Be Net Zero by 2050, through reducing all Scope 1, 2 & 3 emissions by at least 90% and removing the remaining emissions.
  • Remain carbon neutral across our operations (Building Energy, Business Travel and Staff Commuting) whilst on route to achieving Net Zero.
  • Extend our support with innovative services to help our clients reduce their emissions.

Our Quality & Environmental Management Credentials  

  • We are certified to ISO 14001:2015 (Cert No. 538803)
  • We are certified to ISO 9001:2015 (Cert No. 577702)

Our Environmental Policy and Quality Policy can be downloaded by clicking on the icons opposite.

Anti Bribery & Modern Slavery Policy

We are fully committed to acting ethically and with integrity in all of our business operations.  Click here to view policy 

Leading Carbon Management 

Every year we calculate our own carbon footprint and offset our emissions by helping to finance high quality projects in developing countries to achieve carbon neutrality. We are happy to say that since 2019 our offices are powered by green energy, which helps reduce our market based emissions, and since 2020 our directors have been using electric cars (mostly powered by renewable energy). We have a highly active Carbon Management Plan with Net Zero targets for ongoing carbon reductions. We disclose our emissions on CADI (Carbon Database Initiative) for full transparency


You can also see our CaDI submissions here

We have already achieved a >90% reduction in emissions per £M turnover since our FY2009 Baseline


Offsetting Our Unavoidable Carbon Emissions

Our priority is to avoid unnecessary emissions and reduce our environmental impact as much as possible, however it isn't currently possible for us to reduce emissions to zero, especially as they are all within our Scope 3. Therefore we annually offset our remaining carbon emissions, by asking our staff to select the project(s) they would like us to be supporting. 

This year our staff voted and selected to offset our emissions by supporting:

the  Gold Standard GS1247 VPA 49 Improved Kitchen Regimes:Kaliro Safe Water Project project in Uganda

and planting 25 trees in Kenya!

This project provides land reforestation and supports a better quality of life in Kenyan communities in the Great Rift Valley.


The Safe Water Project in Uganda, provides clean drinking water to local communities in Uganda 

This project provides land reforestation and supports a better quality of life in Kenyan communities in the Great Rift Valley.


What else do we do?

  • We chair the Sustainable Business Network for North Hampshire
  • We are founding members of the Quality Assurance Standard (QAS) for carbon offsetting 
  • We run the Carbon Academy (for peer group learning)


At Carbon Footprint we are passionate about sustainability and working with our clients to enhance their business through active carbon management

Contact Us to discuss your sustainability credentials