Carbon Offsetting

Tackle climate change and care for developing communities and biodiversity by becoming carbon neutral

Why Carbon Offset? 

Carbon offsetting funds solutions to reducing carbon emissions now. Frequently carbon offsetting reduces emissions much faster than you can as an individual/single company. Carbon offsetting projects help to combat global climate change as well as caring for local communities. In many instances providing much needed employment, health improvement, biodiversity,  reforestation and broad social benefits to impoverished communities.

When you offset carbon emissions, you are compensating for emissions that you have already caused. Carbon offsetting projects decrease global emissions by mechanisms of reducing, avoiding or removal of CO2 emissions.

 How does Carbon Offsetting fit with Net Zero?

Science Based Targets Initiative refers to offsetting as Beyond Value Chain Mitigation. The organisation also explains that it (offsetting) provides an urgently needed way for companies to cut emissions outside of their value chains in line with societal net-zero (see link -

Put simply, the only way to reach global net zero by 2050 is for carbon offsetting to be done now.

Why Offset with Carbon Footprint? 


We only provide projects with the highest levels of international certification.

In addition, for each tonne of CO2 that you offset we will contribute 5% ( at no extra cost to you) to the Freedom Flight Prize – The Global Challenge for True Zero Carbon Emission Aviation – in this way helping to accelerate technology development.
Also for every 10 tonnes CO2 offset, we plant 1 tree in our Kenya project in the Great Rift Valley – supporting developing communities, biodiversity and environmental education.

In this way Carbon Footprint's  offsetting not only reduces climate impact but also accelerates zero-carbon aviation technology and brings community & biodiversity benefits in Kenya.


 Answers to Frequently Asked Questions on Carbon Offsetting

How to Offset and Become Carbon Neutral

Carbon offsetting is easy and takes just 3 Steps! 


STEP 1 - calculate your emissions

STEP 2 - start reducing your emissions

STEP 3 - choose an offset project from our portfolio

We take great care with projects for you  - only providing you with the highest quality carbon offset projects that meet the leading international verification standards, suitable for all types of businesses and individuals.


 Already calculated your carbon footprint and ready to offset?

Amount: tCO2 

Contact Us if you need to offset over 100 tonnes of CO2 to choose your specific project and get the best prices

Did You Know -  the average carbon footprint of a person is 6.5 tonnes (UK) and 11 tonnes per person in other industrialised countries 


What is a Carbon Offset?

A Carbon offset is a way to compensate for your emissions by funding an equivalent carbon dioxide saving elsewhere. Our everyday actions, at home and at work, consume energy and produce carbon emissions, such as driving, flying and heating buildings. Carbon offsetting is used to balance out these emissions by helping to pay for emission savings in other parts of the world.

We offer a range of carbon offset projects to international standards, including the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS), Gold Standard Voluntary Emission Reductions (VER) and Certified Emission Reductions (CER). All of which meet the Quality Assurance Standard for Carbon Offsetting following a footprint calculation on this web site and BSI's PAS 2060 specification on carbon neutrality.

Many of the carbon offsetting projects also provide wider benefits in addition to carbon reduction, such as biodiversity, education, jobs, food security and heath & well-being in developing countries.

Is offsetting the solution to climate change?

Offsetting provides a mechanism to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the most cost-effective and economically-efficient manner. Offsetting plays a vital role in combating climate change, but if done in isolation it is not the solution. 
At Carbon Footprint, our belief is that climate change will only be addressed if individuals, businesses and government organisations all takes responsible steps to REDUCE our CO2 emissions as much as possible and then offset the remaining unavoidable emissions.

Are Carbon Footprint offsets in line with PAS 2060?

Yes, any Verified Carbon Standard (VCS), Gold Standard VERs or Kyoto compliant offset credits purchased from us will meet the offsetting part of the PAS 2060 guidance on carbon neutrality, therefore assuring your carbon neutral claims.

How are Carbon Footprint Ltd's offsets verified?

Carbon Footprint offer a full range of high quality carbon offsets for customers to choose from. We have adopted a strict protocol for the management of our offsets and supply chain, from the inception of our business. We carry out careful due diligence of our project collaborators and suppliers before we offer any products to you.

Our projects are verified against the international standards such as the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS), Gold Standard and Certified Emission Reductions.

Ongoing management of our carbon offset project portfolio is fully traceable and part of our ISO 9001 certification. We keep detailed records of all purchases made through this website, along with a database of all offline sales (most of which are made to businesses). We also have a monitoring system in place, which records when tree planting has occured or offsets have been retired, allowing offsets to be cross referenced to individual customer purchases.


Following a QAS approved carbon footprint calculation, all the carbon offsetting projects on this web site meet the requirements under the Quality Assurance Standard (QAS) for Carbon Offsetting. As part of this we are audited to ensure all offsets sold are retired on appropriate registries within 12 months of you purchasing.

More information on the QAS...


Contact Us to discuss your carbon offsetting / neutrality requirements.