WebStat for carbonfootprint.com

Summary Period: July 2024
Generated 22-Jul-2024 02:05 GMT Daylight Time
Monthly Statistics for July 2024
Total Hits 1538181
Total Files 1363724
Total Pages 536064
Total Visits 162739
Total Transfer 48.2 GB
Total Unique Hosts 83278
Total Unique URLs 2439
Total Unique Referrers 5292
Total Unique User Names 294
Total Unique User Agents 15799
Human Totals
Total Hits 1403913
Total Files 1257941
Total Pages 471331
Total Transfer 41.1 GB
Total Unique Hosts 69866
Total Visits 124913
Hits per Visit119984
Files per Visit109984
Pages per Visit39984
Transfer per Visit345 KB800.2 MB
Visit Duration2.1810022.28
Robot Totals
Total Hits 128319
Total Files 99865
Total Pages 64252
Total Errors 2892
Total Transfer 6.8 GB
Total Visits 37487
Total Unique Hosts 13203
Spammer Totals
Total Hits 5949
Total Transfer 227.3 MB
Total Visits 244
Total Unique Hosts 209
Performance Avg Max
Seconds per Hit 544.592 744008.000
Seconds per File 593.669 744008.000
Seconds per Page 287.299 425864.000
Hourly/Daily Totals Avg Max
Hits per Hour 3051 11968
Hits per Day 73246 99905
Hits per Visit 9 9984
Files per Day 64939 88061
Files per Visit 8 9984
Pages per Day 25526 35443
Pages per Visit 3 9984
Visits per Day 7749 9742
Visit Duration 2.18 10022.28
Transfer per Day 2.3 GB 3.1 GB
Transfer per Visit 310.3 KB 800.2 MB
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 1362206
Code 206 - Partial Content 1518
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 120016
Code 302 - Found 1619
Code 304 - Not Modified 8831
Code 400 - Bad Request 184
Code 403 - Forbidden 66
Code 404 - Not Found 42577
Code 405 - Method Not Allowed 1005
Code 406 - Not Acceptable 152
Code 500 - Internal Server Error 7

Visitors are identified by IP addresses. Two or more visitors sharing the same IP address (e.g. firewall address) will be counted as a single visitor.

Daily usage for July 2024

Pages - document requests (e.g. html, asp, txt); Files - successful requests of all types (e.g. html, gif, css); Hits - all requests, including errors;

Daily Statistics for July 2024
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Hosts Transfer
Total Avg Max Total Avg Max Total Avg Max Total Avg Max Total Avg Max Total Avg Max
1 76790 4.99% 3200 6057 70776 5.19% 2949 5739 23535 4.39% 981 1947 9362 5.75% 390 601 7376 8.86% 307 508 2.6 GB 5.31% 109.1 MB 206.8 MB
2 78871 5.13% 3286 7143 66685 4.89% 2779 5179 22954 4.28% 956 3706 8160 5.01% 340 553 6241 7.49% 211 345 2.4 GB 5.04% 103.5 MB 203 MB
3 76459 4.97% 3186 5824 69420 5.09% 2893 5291 18111 3.38% 755 1312 8240 5.06% 343 512 6194 7.44% 191 283 2.6 GB 5.37% 110.4 MB 208.3 MB
4 70665 4.59% 2944 5138 62594 4.59% 2608 4791 18038 3.36% 752 2280 7897 4.85% 329 459 6009 7.22% 181 271 2.4 GB 4.95% 101.7 MB 233.8 MB
5 59921 3.90% 2497 4617 51935 3.81% 2164 4326 16302 3.04% 679 1989 6996 4.30% 292 449 5319 6.39% 152 288 1.9 GB 4.00% 82.2 MB 177.4 MB
6 40753 2.65% 1698 3116 34159 2.50% 1423 2867 14707 2.74% 613 1278 5307 3.26% 221 319 4010 4.82% 107 185 1.3 GB 2.76% 56.7 MB 77.4 MB
7 45937 2.99% 1914 3088 40763 2.99% 1698 2771 17552 3.27% 731 1235 5145 3.16% 214 295 3898 4.68% 103 151 1.5 GB 3.10% 63.8 MB 146.5 MB
8 91967 5.98% 3832 6013 79313 5.82% 3305 5007 32036 5.98% 1335 2882 8263 5.08% 344 515 6344 7.62% 179 274 2.8 GB 5.82% 119.6 MB 203.2 MB
9 83541 5.43% 3481 6285 77471 5.68% 3228 5988 27909 5.21% 1163 1657 9269 5.70% 386 605 7224 8.67% 210 345 2.6 GB 5.49% 112.8 MB 187.7 MB
10 99905 6.50% 4163 11968 88061 6.46% 3669 11624 34174 6.37% 1424 3301 9742 5.99% 406 578 7386 8.87% 205 307 2.8 GB 5.81% 119.3 MB 219.4 MB
11 93828 6.10% 3909 5479 85137 6.24% 3547 5203 30733 5.73% 1281 1982 9435 5.80% 393 617 7280 8.74% 201 381 3.1 GB 6.36% 130.7 MB 277.6 MB
12 85126 5.53% 3547 5475 77756 5.70% 3240 5247 28720 5.36% 1197 1606 9348 5.74% 389 563 7224 8.67% 196 293 2.5 GB 5.29% 108.7 MB 166 MB
13 52059 3.38% 2169 2665 46210 3.39% 1925 2420 23438 4.37% 977 1515 6384 3.92% 266 364 4965 5.96% 128 189 1.6 GB 3.34% 68.5 MB 112.1 MB
14 53840 3.50% 2243 3832 45441 3.33% 1893 2802 25843 4.82% 1077 2599 5948 3.65% 248 358 4497 5.40% 108 171 1.7 GB 3.43% 70.5 MB 112.6 MB
15 83808 5.45% 3492 5234 72212 5.30% 3009 4905 32366 6.04% 1349 2644 8198 5.04% 342 513 6148 7.38% 157 247 2.7 GB 5.51% 113.2 MB 189.5 MB
16 90401 5.88% 3767 6240 79900 5.86% 3329 5209 32628 6.09% 1360 2701 8866 5.45% 369 523 6606 7.93% 170 242 2.7 GB 5.55% 114.1 MB 176 MB
17 98225 6.39% 4093 9997 85670 6.28% 3570 6507 35443 6.61% 1477 5086 9278 5.70% 387 573 6710 8.06% 171 274 2.9 GB 6.12% 125.7 MB 223.7 MB
18 84919 5.52% 3538 5594 76131 5.58% 3172 5050 29832 5.57% 1243 3757 8252 5.07% 344 503 6301 7.57% 157 243 2.6 GB 5.35% 109.9 MB 178.7 MB
19 69038 4.49% 2877 4263 62977 4.62% 2624 3949 26520 4.95% 1105 1370 7747 4.76% 323 450 5860 7.04% 145 222 2.3 GB 4.83% 99.2 MB 186.5 MB
20 50594 3.29% 2108 3006 44710 3.28% 1863 2619 23206 4.33% 967 2058 5567 3.42% 232 311 4187 5.03% 97 153 1.5 GB 3.21% 65.9 MB 95.8 MB
21 51534 3.35% 2138 2965 46403 3.40% 1933 2768 22017 4.11% 904 1004 5335 3.28% 224 293 4048 4.86% 95 141 1.6 GB 3.37% 69.8 MB 103.3 MB
Hourly usage for July 2024
Top 30 of 2439 Total URLs
# Hits Transfer Time URL
1 203808 13.25% 1.6 GB 3.38% 93.899163201.000 /
2 56359 3.66% 1.2 GB 2.52% 481.039266806.000 /calculator.aspx
3 21692 1.41% 1.8 GB 3.64% 75.46419423.000 /webstat/usage_202407.html
4 15030 0.98% 1.7 GB 3.62% 2562.018393082.000 /webstat/ref_201807.html
5 6752 0.44% 202.8 MB 0.41% 356.79162694.000 /offset.aspx
6 4287 0.28% 42.6 MB 0.09% 247.82510682.000 /webstat/
7 3825 0.25% 406.8 MB 0.82% 194.3222960.000 /webstat/usage_201801.html
8 3754 0.24% 101.5 MB 0.21% 485.366140337.000 /contact.aspx
9 3520 0.23% 61.9 MB 0.13% 729.749158587.000 /measure.html
10 3208 0.21% 55.7 MB 0.11% 593.016190029.000 /calculator1.html
11 2992 0.19% 622.4 MB 1.26% 1153.865157559.000 /docs/2023_02_emissions_factors_sources_for_2022_electricity_v10.pdf
12 2982 0.19% 80.8 MB 0.16% 424.899135341.000 /carbonoffset.html
13 1936 0.13% 36.5 MB 0.07% 209.24410297.000 /international_electricity_factors.html
14 1628 0.11% 27.6 MB 0.06% 228.72625572.000 /cfpstandard.html
15 1543 0.10% 27.3 MB 0.06% 212.64022763.000 /small_business_calculator.html
16 1443 0.09% 11.3 MB 0.02% 84.0952289.000 /searchresultscfp.html
17 1366 0.09% 13 MB 0.03% 171.36692138.000 /careers.html
18 1309 0.09% 23.2 MB 0.05% 417.85367558.000 /tracker.html
19 1247 0.08% 44.5 MB 0.09% 590.917100333.000 /factors.aspx
20 1221 0.08% 20.7 MB 0.04% 188.95311785.000 /carbonoffsetprojects.html
21 1197 0.08% 22.3 MB 0.05% 277.70789725.000 /minimisecfp.html
22 1119 0.07% 21.2 MB 0.04% 314.29029602.000 /companiescalc.html
23 1094 0.07% 24.4 MB 0.05% 337.25728625.000 /aboutus.html
24 1031 0.07% 21.1 MB 0.04% 432.364159160.000 /integrate.html
25 988 0.06% 70.8 MB 0.14% 391.29743648.000 /docs/2023_07_international_factors_release_11.xlsx
26 945 0.06% 2.7 MB 0.01% 47.165186.000 /cms.aspx
27 853 0.06% 14.4 MB 0.03% 319.45729510.000 /carbonneutrality.html
28 824 0.05% 15.5 MB 0.03% 302.73424848.000 /qasqualityassuranceschemecarbonoffsetting.html
29 801 0.05% 25.2 MB 0.05% 281.67718945.000 /plantingtrees.html
30 762 0.05% 112.1 MB 0.23% 2430.076398324.000 /news.html
View All URLs
Top 10 of 601 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 56359 3.66% 36155 35.21% /calculator.aspx
2 203808 13.25% 27331 26.62% /
3 15030 0.98% 13237 12.89% /webstat/ref_201807.html
4 6752 0.44% 1837 1.79% /offset.aspx
5 2982 0.19% 1250 1.22% /carbonoffset.html
6 3754 0.24% 1246 1.21% /contact.aspx
7 2992 0.19% 1210 1.18% /docs/2023_02_emissions_factors_sources_for_2022_electricity_v10.pdf
8 1936 0.13% 1041 1.01% /international_electricity_factors.html
9 1628 0.11% 963 0.94% /cfpstandard.html
10 1366 0.09% 866 0.84% /careers.html

Robot activity is excluded from the Country, Entry and Exit URL reports

Top 10 of 603 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 56359 3.66% 35482 34.58% /calculator.aspx
2 203808 13.25% 24615 23.99% /
3 15030 0.98% 13198 12.86% /webstat/ref_201807.html
4 6752 0.44% 2986 2.91% /offset.aspx
5 3754 0.24% 1676 1.63% /contact.aspx
6 2992 0.19% 1148 1.12% /docs/2023_02_emissions_factors_sources_for_2022_electricity_v10.pdf
7 1936 0.13% 1097 1.07% /international_electricity_factors.html
8 2982 0.19% 1091 1.06% /carbonoffset.html
9 1628 0.11% 957 0.93% /cfpstandard.html
10 1366 0.09% 942 0.92% /careers.html

Robot activity is excluded from the Country, Entry and Exit URL reports

Top 20 of 4984 Errors
# Hits Status Method URL
1 2808 0.18% 404 GET/wp-login.php
2 2422 0.16% 404 GET/xmlrpc.php
3 2170 0.14% 404 GET/apple-touch-icon.png
4 2054 0.13% 404 GET/apple-touch-icon-precomposed.png
5 945 0.06% 405 POST/searchresultscfp.html
6 858 0.06% 404 GET/apple-touch-icon-120x120.png
7 857 0.06% 404 GET/apple-touch-icon-120x120-precomposed.png
8 556 0.04% 404 POST/mrsejhunaqega6fg
9 534 0.03% 404 GET/.well-known/traffic-advice
10 329 0.02% 404 GET/zb_users/plugin/ueditor/themes/default/images/cancelbutton.gif
11 328 0.02% 404 GET/zb_users/emotion/face/music.gif
12 328 0.02% 404 GET/zb_users/plugin/ueditor/themes/default/images/cursor_v.gif
13 269 0.02% 404 GET/logo.gif
14 268 0.02% 404 GET/ads.txt
15 247 0.02% 404 GET/carbonfootprint.html
16 225 0.01% 404 GET/public/plugins/ckeditor/images/spacer.gif
17 222 0.01% 404 GET/public/plugins/ueditor/dialogs/attachment/filetypeimages/icon_psd.gif
18 219 0.01% 404 GET/public/plugins/ueditor/dialogs/attachment/images/alignicon.gif
19 198 0.01% 404 POST/autodiscover/autodiscover.xml
20 198 0.01% 404 GET/cms/wp-includes/wlwmanifest.xml
Top 30 of 83278 Total Hosts
# Hits Files Pages Transfer Visits Duration Country Host
1 9984 0.65% 9984 0.73% 9984 1.86% 800.2 MB 0.00% 2 0.00% 10022.28 10022.28 Russian Federation
2 5562 0.36% 5562 0.41% 5562 1.04% 38.8 MB 0.00% 2 0.00% 886.00 886.00 Russian Federation
3 3935 0.26% 3933 0.29% 3935 0.73% 39.4 MB 0.00% 6 0.00% 819.73 4900.48 Russian Federation
4 3805 0.25% 3805 0.28% 3805 0.71% 405.2 MB 0.00% 6 0.00% 1406.17 2904.47 Russian Federation
5 3705 0.24% 0 0.00% 3705 0.69% 1.6 MB 0.00% 1 0.00% 2157.92 2157.92 Russian Federation
6 3185 0.21% 0 0.00% 3185 0.59% 1.4 MB 0.00% 1 0.00% 2153.85 2153.85 Russian Federation
7 2934 0.19% 2928 0.21% 188 0.04% 39.1 MB 0.00% 12 0.01% 0.27 2.97 United States
8 2933 0.19% 2 0.00% 2256 0.42% 3.1 MB 0.00% 2 0.00% 11.67 16.45 Singapore
9 2753 0.18% 2749 0.20% 171 0.03% 39.2 MB 0.00% 15 0.01% 0.20 2.73 United States
10 2742 0.18% 0 0.00% 2725 0.51% 1.2 MB 0.00% 1 0.00% 7.80 7.80 United States
11 2742 0.18% 0 0.00% 2725 0.51% 1.2 MB 0.00% 1 0.00% 4.73 4.73 Italy
12 2608 0.17% 2 0.00% 1931 0.36% 2.7 MB 0.00% 2 0.00% 18.04 24.45 United States
13 2560 0.17% 0 0.00% 2559 0.48% 1.1 MB 0.00% 1 0.00% 40.57 40.57 Unresolved/Unknown
14 2560 0.17% 0 0.00% 2559 0.48% 1.1 MB 0.00% 1 0.00% 11.55 11.55 Unresolved/Unknown
15 2560 0.17% 0 0.00% 2559 0.48% 1.1 MB 0.00% 1 0.00% 25.85 25.85 Unresolved/Unknown
16 2417 0.16% 2405 0.18% 245 0.05% 101.8 MB 0.00% 7 0.00% 23.72 133.20 Japan
17 2369 0.15% 0 0.00% 2369 0.44% 1 MB 0.00% 1 0.00% 2158.62 2158.62 Russian Federation
18 2307 0.15% 2065 0.15% 433 0.08% 201.1 MB 0.00% 82 0.05% 33.02 189.48 United Kingdom
19 2300 0.15% 0 0.00% 2300 0.43% 1001.8 KB 0.00% 1 0.00% 2157.03 2157.03 Russian Federation
20 2295 0.15% 0 0.00% 2295 0.43% 999.6 KB 0.00% 1 0.00% 2157.55 2157.55 Russian Federation
21 2295 0.15% 195 0.01% 2295 0.43% 33.5 MB 0.00% 17 0.01% 147.01 236.67 Ukraine
22 2262 0.15% 0 0.00% 2262 0.42% 985.2 KB 0.00% 2 0.00% 1008.48 1867.40 Russian Federation
23 2210 0.14% 2206 0.16% 138 0.03% 29.5 MB 0.00% 12 0.01% 0.29 2.95 United States
24 2177 0.14% 4 0.00% 1486 0.28% 2.4 MB 0.00% 2 0.00% 5.78 11.52 Singapore
25 2170 0.14% 0 0.00% 2170 0.40% 945.1 KB 0.00% 2 0.00% 1040.17 1840.70 Russian Federation
26 2157 0.14% 2 0.00% 1482 0.28% 2.3 MB 0.00% 1 0.00% 9.07 9.07 Singapore
27 2106 0.14% 0 0.00% 2106 0.39% 917.3 KB 0.00% 1 0.00% 2153.45 2153.45 Russian Federation
28 1958 0.13% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 2 MB 0.00% 244 0.15% 9.10 58.75 South Africa
29 1918 0.12% 0 0.00% 1918 0.36% 835.4 KB 0.00% 1 0.00% 2157.17 2157.17 Russian Federation
30 1869 0.12% 935 0.07% 1869 0.35% 5.4 MB 0.00% 1 0.00% 36.98 36.98 Lebanon
Top 30 of 5292 Total Referrers
# Hits Visits Referrer
1 37546 2.44% 28296 17.39% https://www.google.com/
2 24468 1.59% 0 0.00% https://interbld.ru/
3 24467 1.59% 0 0.00% https://pitonn.ru/
4 24460 1.59% 0 0.00% https://evro-dez.ru/
5 24442 1.59% 0 0.00% https://promusor24.ru/
6 24411 1.59% 1 0.00% https://x-ton.ru/
7 24402 1.59% 0 0.00% https://strelafoton.ru/
8 15675 1.02% 10 0.01% https://sex-oglasi.com.hr
9 15072 0.98% 1 0.00% https://haval-auto-ufa1.ru/
10 14197 0.92% 8 0.00% https://xxx-price.net/
11 6603 0.43% 1 0.00% https://jaecoo-avtodin.ru/
12 5321 0.35% 33 0.02% www.google.com
13 3931 0.26% 2 0.00% https://kitehurghada.ru
14 2786 0.18% 2736 1.68% https://m.baidu.com/
15 1566 0.10% 1324 0.81% https://www.bing.com/
16 1260 0.08% 127 0.08% https://www.csrfootprint.com/
17 1230 0.08% 69 0.04% https://www.wastefootprint.com/
18 1195 0.08% 1038 0.64% https://www.youtube.com/
19 1118 0.07% 0 0.00% https://apesok.ru/
20 1116 0.07% 0 0.00% https://rukorobka.ru/
21 1115 0.07% 0 0.00% https://smm-1.ru/
22 1108 0.07% 1 0.00% https://bytovkistart.ru/
23 1105 0.07% 0 0.00% https://xn--b1aap1a7d.xn--80adxhks/
24 1069 0.07% 641 0.39% https://www.ecosia.org/
25 957 0.06% 50 0.03% https://www.sustainabilityfootprint.co.uk/
26 693 0.05% 460 0.28% https://capacitacionenlinea.pemex.com/
27 683 0.04% 1 0.00% https://propecia365n.top
28 673 0.04% 50 0.03% https://www.waterfootprint.co/
29 670 0.04% 0 0.00% https://baclofen365n.top
30 664 0.04% 0 0.00% https://canadianrxp.top
View All Referrers
Top 20 of 71 Total Search Strings
# Hits Visits Search String
1 114 58.46% 2 0.00% site:carbonfootprint.com
2 3 1.54% 1 0.00% carbon footprint pamphlet
3 3 1.54% 3 0.00% "penalty-clause-in-consultancy-agreement"
4 2 1.03% 1 0.00% flow of lifecycle assessment on carbon footprint analysis
5 2 1.03% 1 0.00% ccb standards
6 2 1.03% 1 0.00% carbomfootprint.com
7 2 1.03% 1 0.00% carbon footprint management
8 2 1.03% 2 0.00% carbon footprint
9 2 1.03% 1 0.00% average footprint of an indian house graph
10 2 1.03% 2 0.00% waste hierarchy
11 1 0.51% 1 0.00% detailed note on global warming
12 1 0.51% 1 0.00% qas
13 1 0.51% 1 0.00% carbon saved walking meaning
14 1 0.51% 1 0.00% assessing current footprint photos
15 1 0.51% 1 0.00% item life off
16 1 0.51% 1 0.00% a place where innovation meets sustainabilty
17 1 0.51% 1 0.00% gambar energy management
18 1 0.51% 1 0.00% vanuatu's weather and climate pie chart
19 1 0.51% 1 0.00% how to calculate carbon emission
20 1 0.51% 1 0.00% life cycle assessment of vape
View All Search Strings
Top 15 of 15799 Total User Agents
# Hits Transfer Visits User Agent
1 125606 8.17% 6.6 GB 13.62% 37079 22.78% Robots
2 308582 20.06% 10.4 GB 21.58% 23113 14.20% Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; AppleWebKit/537.36; KHTML, like Gecko; Chrome/; Safari/537.36
3 72291 4.70% 2.1 GB 4.40% 7449 4.58% Linux; Android 10; K; AppleWebKit/537.36; KHTML, like Gecko; Chrome/; Mobile Safari/537.36
4 44791 2.91% 2.8 GB 5.89% 6990 4.30% Linux; Android 5.0; AppleWebKit/537.36; KHTML, like Gecko; Mobile Safari/537.36; Bytespider; spider-feedback@bytedance.com
5 126653 8.23% 5.1 GB 10.65% 6658 4.09% Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; AppleWebKit/537.36; KHTML, like Gecko; Chrome/; Safari/537.36; Edg/
6 5323 0.35% 446.5 MB 0.91% 4399 2.70% facebookexternalhit/1.1; http://www.facebook.com/externalhit_uatext.php
7 59136 3.84% 1.8 GB 3.73% 4298 2.64% iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 17_5_1 like Mac OS X; AppleWebKit/605.1.15; KHTML, like Gecko; Version/17.5; Mobile/15E148; Safari/604.1
8 51737 3.36% 1.7 GB 3.63% 4118 2.53% Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7; AppleWebKit/537.36; KHTML, like Gecko; Chrome/; Safari/537.36
9 5568 0.36% 787.4 MB 1.60% 3670 2.26% AppleWebKit/537.36; KHTML, like Gecko; bingbot/2.0; http://www.bing.com/bingbot.htm; Chrome/116.0.1938.76; Safari/537.36
10 3543 0.23% 154.2 MB 0.31% 2856 1.75% AppleWebKit/537.36; KHTML, like Gecko; ChatGPT-User/1.0; https://openai.com/bot
11 6773 0.44% 155.5 MB 0.32% 2684 1.65% Linux; Android 6.0.1; Nexus 5X Build/MMB29P; AppleWebKit/537.36; KHTML, like Gecko; Chrome/125.0.6422.175; Mobile Safari/537.36; Googlebot/2.1; http://www.google.com/bot.html
12 2571 0.17% 71.5 MB 0.14% 1717 1.06% Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7; AppleWebKit/605.1.15; KHTML, like Gecko; Version/17.4; Safari/605.1.15; Applebot/0.1; http://www.apple.com/go/applebot
13 33377 2.17% 1.2 GB 2.42% 1616 0.99% Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7; AppleWebKit/605.1.15; KHTML, like Gecko; Version/17.5; Safari/605.1.15
14 6265 0.41% 434.6 MB 0.88% 1407 0.86% Bytespider; spider-feedback@bytedance.com; AppleWebKit/537.36; KHTML, like Gecko; Chrome/; Safari/537.36
15 1834 0.12% 4.1 MB 0.01% 1338 0.82% Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; AppleWebKit/537.36; KHTML, like Gecko; Chrome/104.0.5112.34; Safari/537.36
View All User Agents
Usage by Country for July 2024
Top 30 of 190 Total Countries
# Hits Files Pages Transfer Visits Country
1 289331 20.52% 257291 20.36% 9127760 1934.62% 8.9 GB 0.00% 38866 31.11% United States
2 63235 4.49% 56374 4.46% 1369506 290.27% 2.5 GB 0.00% 18655 14.93% China
3 188408 13.36% 180868 14.31% 5228692 1108.22% 7.5 GB 0.00% 11901 9.53% United Kingdom
4 26956 1.91% 24035 1.90% 793670 168.22% 632.7 MB 0.00% 8733 6.99% Ireland
5 76122 5.40% 73710 5.83% 819238 173.64% 2.3 GB 0.00% 4777 3.82% India
6 32712 2.32% 30770 2.43% 1249986 264.93% 1.1 GB 0.00% 3517 2.82% Germany
7 28134 2.00% 15853 1.25% 1066178 225.98% 692.9 MB 0.00% 3031 2.43% Unresolved/Unknown
8 20389 1.45% 18715 1.48% 1528975 324.06% 621.8 MB 0.00% 2317 1.85% France
9 30734 2.18% 30454 2.41% 545025 115.52% 811.4 MB 0.00% 1906 1.53% Turkey
10 26112 1.85% 25202 1.99% 870352 184.47% 791.6 MB 0.00% 1886 1.51% Canada
11 61135 4.34% 30110 2.38% 6930582 1468.93% 1.5 GB 0.00% 1546 1.24% Russian Federation
12 16496 1.17% 14523 1.15% 890152 188.67% 493.8 MB 0.00% 1454 1.16% Netherlands
13 25547 1.81% 11684 0.92% 348353 73.83% 431.4 MB 0.00% 1425 1.14% Singapore
14 16398 1.16% 15017 1.19% 499765 105.92% 504.8 MB 0.00% 1302 1.04% Australia
15 24882 1.76% 24617 1.95% 461373 97.79% 691.3 MB 0.00% 1279 1.02% Mexico
16 10980 0.78% 10203 0.81% 152576 32.34% 397.2 MB 0.00% 1238 0.99% Japan
17 21658 1.54% 15600 1.23% 643063 136.30% 525.7 MB 0.00% 1001 0.80% Italy
18 13537 0.96% 13298 1.05% 135616 28.74% 466.5 MB 0.00% 866 0.69% Thailand
19 14024 0.99% 13489 1.07% 406794 86.22% 451.8 MB 0.00% 814 0.65% Spain
20 13060 0.93% 12486 0.99% 319821 67.79% 376.6 MB 0.00% 814 0.65% Philippines
21 7566 0.54% 5243 0.41% 150944 31.99% 178.6 MB 0.00% 813 0.65% South Africa
22 10710 0.76% 10621 0.84% 99516 21.09% 404.2 MB 0.00% 808 0.65% Israel
23 12640 0.90% 12520 0.99% 133300 28.25% 375.2 MB 0.00% 757 0.61% Malaysia
24 6948 0.49% 4607 0.36% 451274 95.65% 147 MB 0.00% 703 0.56% Hong Kong
25 1526 0.11% 1520 0.12% 35565 7.54% 24.8 MB 0.00% 636 0.51% Malta
26 8474 0.60% 6669 0.53% 233345 49.46% 245 MB 0.00% 618 0.49% Romania
27 4547 0.32% 4016 0.32% 529578 112.24% 124.3 MB 0.00% 598 0.48% Sweden
28 9901 0.70% 9632 0.76% 249010 52.78% 422.5 MB 0.00% 549 0.44% Indonesia
29 6061 0.43% 5128 0.41% 145532 30.85% 160.3 MB 0.00% 481 0.39% Switzerland
30 7378 0.52% 7005 0.55% 352007 74.61% 218.7 MB 0.00% 464 0.37% Poland

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