Carbon Offsetting Project Rating FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions (and Answers)

1. What are carbon offset credits?

Carbon offset credits are certificates representing the reduction or removal of one metric tonne of carbon dioxide (CO2) or its equivalent in other greenhouse gases. These credits can be used to compensate for emissions produced elsewhere.

2. Why should companies buy carbon offset credits?

Purchasing carbon offset credits helps companies support carbon reduction and removal outside of their value chain, to help meet regulatory or voluntary emission reduction targets, and contribute to global efforts to combat climate change.

3. What is our carbon credentials rating system?

Our rating system evaluates the effectiveness and integrity of each carbon offset project based on specific criteria, ensuring transparency and reliability for our customers.

4. What criteria do we use to rate projects?

Our criteria include factors such as additionality, permanence, measurability, leakage, and more. Each project is thoroughly assessed to provide a comprehensive but understandable rating out of 5.

5. How often are projects re-evaluated?

Projects are re-evaluated periodically to ensure they continue to meet high standards and adapt to any changes in environmental conditions or regulatory requirements.

6. Are our carbon offset credits certified?

Yes, all credits that are rated using our rating system are certified by recognized standards such as the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) and Gold Standard.

7. How do carbon offset projects benefit the environment and communities?

The projects not only reduce greenhouse gases but also contribute to biodiversity, improve local air and water quality, and support sustainable development in communities.

8. Do we guarantee the effectiveness of our carbon offset projects?

While we rigorously evaluate and monitor each project, we also provide transparency on potential risks and uncertainties. Our commitment is to offer the highest quality projects with robust monitoring and verification.

9. Why doesn’t Carbon Footprint just use the carbon credit rating agencies?

While carbon credit rating agencies can provide some valuable insights, we believe in offering a tailored and transparent approach. Our in-house rating system is designed to complement these agencies by providing additional, detailed information that specifically aligns with our customers' needs and values.

10. Do we just rate the projects highly that we sell to help us sell more credits?

No, our rating system is designed to be unbiased and rigorous. We apply the same stringent criteria to all projects, regardless of whether we sell the credits. Our goal is to ensure transparency and trust, providing customers with accurate information to make informed decisions.

11. Why is Carbon Footprint providing this information for free?

We believe in transparency and empowering our customers with knowledge – no matter how big or small they are. We believe this information should not be hidden behind a pay-wall. Providing detailed information about each project helps build trust and ensures that customers understand the impact and quality of the credits they purchase. This commitment to transparency sets us apart and supports informed decision-making.

12. How do you ensure the integrity of your rating system?

Our rating system is built on robust, standardized criteria and is regularly reviewed by our experts. We also commit to transparency by publishing our methodology and results, allowing customers to see exactly how each project is evaluated.

13. Can customers access detailed reports on each project?

Yes, customers can access reports on each project, which include information on methodology, verification processes, the specific ratings and more. These reports are available on our website (Carbon Offset Credit Ratings) and are updated regularly to reflect the latest data.

14. Carbon Footprint also sells offsets – so how do you handle potential conflicts of interest in your rating process?

We maintain strict separation between our project evaluation and sales teams to avoid conflicts of interest. Additionally, our rating criteria are publicly available and applied consistently to ensure unbiased assessments.

15. What standards or certifications do your projects adhere to?

The projects listed adhere to recognized international standards and certifications, such as the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS), Gold Standard, and others.

16. How does Carbon Footprint select the projects you offer?

We carefully select projects based on their environmental impact, alignment with our criteria, and potential for delivering co-benefits. Each project undergoes the thorough evaluation rating process before being included in our portfolio.

17. What is the additionality criterion in your rating system?

Additionality refers to the requirement that carbon offset projects result in emissions reductions that would not have occurred without the project. This ensures that the credits represent real and meaningful reductions in greenhouse gases.

18. How do you verify the performance of your carbon offset projects?

Independent specialist third-party verifiers regularly audit and monitor the projects to ensure they meet high standards and deliver the promised emission reductions. Verification reports are available for transparency.

19. Can we propose projects to be rated?

Yes, we would welcome the chance to review the projects you are interested in. Please contact us and we can get that process started for you.

20. We retail carbon offsets – can we use your rating system?

Our information is copyright – so please contact us for a licence for commercial use.